Blog Tourism
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Salt is sweet, but only in Cervia

In ancient times it was the gold of Romans: salt was fundamental to store and keep food in a safe and sane condition. It was also a payment way: taxes could be paid with it and even the Italian...



Sangiovese: wine traditions of Romagna

A very intense and scented red wine and also the symbol of Romagna. Not so famous as it should be even if now things are changing. And, guess what, the main grape to produce Chianti (which is not...



The good old artisan tradition of Romagna

A region talks with its traditions: this is a fact. How many times, while visiting a town, you immediately look for the best local traditional restaurant or just for the local typical food or...



New ideas and suggestions for our 2017

This was a special year. We worked about many new projects: some of them went in the right way, some other not. But, as you may already know, we are always trying to do our best and improve the...



A day in the woods to harvest chestnuts

“It’s cold enough, this morning we go harvest chestnuts”. Matteo Cameli is always very clear in his words. This wonderful fruit of the woods was once barely the only way to eat something...
